Saturday, September 22, 2007

There is a first time for everything.....

So.... This is my first Blog - EVER! Yes, I am a blogging virgin. So forgive me if I don't follow blog etiquette.

I have decided to join the Blogging experience to make some new friends and learn some new "stuff". I really enjoy the internet and my computer - I am sure that I will "fit in" just fine.

I have listed my interests in my profile (family, animals, real estate, reading, remodeling, weightloss, cooking) and hope to find others with some of the same. I have been checking out others blogs and found that I could really get lost in this! Wow - it could really waste some time. Gonna have to be careful with this thing!

If you are blogging your success, failures, & challenges in weightloss & or exercise- please post on my blog so I know to come visit yours. We all have a lot to learn - some of us more than others :) and I love to read about others and learn from others..... during my search for perfection!


MSVZzzz said...

yay moomie!! welcome... !!!! <3

Moomie said...

hey thanks!

SoDak Angel said...

woo hoo! I brought you to the dark side! No birds allowed.

SoDak Angel said...

you need to check this girl out. She is one of my favorite bloggers sisters. She lost over 70 pounds, and documented the loss...and is a terrific writer.

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of the Blogosphere. I found you by way of "my man is shorter". I look forward to reading more.

Moomie said...

Sodak - you did! Great job reeling me in! Wonder if I will ever think of anything to say????

Moomie said...

Piny - Thanks for the Welcome! How do you know "so my man is shorter"?

Unknown said...

My identity shall remain a mystery for now. Many of my secrets have been reveiled within my posts. I read your profile.
We would appear to have many things in common.

Moomie said...

Piny - a mystery, huh? Well, you have my curiousity peaked. I tried to view a profile for you - no luck.... you are really staying undercover - huh? So, do you have a blog? If not, how about you start one for our amusement and let us start guessing????

Unknown said...

It appears that you are already guessing.

SoDak Angel said...

alright already....I know you are busy, entertain me!

Unknown said...

SoDak Angel's BFF here. So, tell us about the worst house you ever tried to sell.

Unknown said...

Must be too busy selling homes to keep us abreast of the events in your life.

Moomie said...

ok, ok, okay!

Spent the weekend with sodak angel and got a lashing for not blogging.... Wow, this must be some serious stuff here. I had NO idea.... none - REALLY!!! :)

I will get something down - soon. Hopefully today or tomorrow or by Friday. But really, it will be before Christmas - I promise. Besides - sodak angel will remind me.... :)

oh, & Annie, could you please elaborate on your BFF status with sodak angel? I was under the impression that "I" was her BFF...

Unknown said...

SODAK must be pretty special. Sounds like she is being pulled at from many different parts of the country.